In C&C Peritaciones Marítimas del NW in Oleiros (A Coruña) perform different expert services in a wide range of areas of activity, following in all our works our philosophy of rigor and technical professionalism. Our more than 20 years in this areas and a great professional team have made us a powerful company in Galicia and North of Portugal.
A general inspection of the ship will be carried out, paying special attention to the following elements:
Sounded all of vessel's bunkers tanks it is determined, using tables supplied by vessel, the amounts of fuel oil and gas oil were on board at that time, indicating if are high or low sulful.
Inspection of the lashing operations and materials using for lashing.
629 864 389
Avda. Ramón Núñez Montero, 64 - 15173 Oleiros (A Coruña)
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